Okay, so when I said "84 little days," to finding a publisher, I might have been off by just a bit. Yes, I'm on a quest to get a book deal in 12 weeks. However, I never said there wasn't room for a baked-in hiatus, which I basically availed myself of for the entire month of August.
In my defense, I like to think that my time-off was entirely justified, as I was off doing something that will, in practice, contribute very nicely to this blog. See how I spend my hard-earned time, money, and unpaid vacation days serving others? It's really quite remarkable, is it not? My altruism knows no bounds...
Where did I spend this selfless, blog-serving time off, you ask? 'Twas a little town in the Guatemalan highlands called San Pedro La Laguna. A charming little pueblo on the inactively volcanic Lake Atitlan. I was there for a Spanish language immersion program, and part of my experience included a homestay with a local family. (See my bedroom, above). Which brings me to my third book deal idea in-waiting: (Insert drum roll here) "How To Survive A Homestay: Tales From the Trenches."
The book will be a collection of topic-themed stories about -- and practical advice from -- people who have experienced homestays abroad. Topics might range from: "What to do when your host hits on you," to "How to cope with cold water showers for a year," to "How to share a bathroom with seven people when you have giardia," and everything in between. The anecdotes will at once be tragic and hilarious. But the advice itself will be sound and useful.
Here's what people are saying so far:
"People who seek sound counsel but don't absolutely loathe laughter will simply adore this slender -- yet indispensible -- volume."
-- My Mom
"Anything that will pay down Ms. Kelly's unending debt is good by us."
-- Chase Visa
"We couldn't have said it better ourselves."
-- Swedish Bikini Team
As you can see, the buzz has been amazing, and I expect to be fielding multiple offers shortly. Until then, I still seem to remain,
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